2024 Fall Festival and Youth Competition
2024 Ragtime Festival and Youth Competition Registration
Event Date:
November 16, 2024, time TBA
Event Address:
Fort Bend Music Center
1603 N Loop 1604 W
San Antonio, TX 78258
Questions? Send E-mail to Mark Camann, Festival Chair: markcamann@gmail.com
For More Information: saragtime.org
Ragtime Festival and Competition 2024
On Saturday, November 16 the San Antonio Ragtime Society will sponsor its 21st Ragtime Festival and Youth Competition. We strive to let people of all ages experience the great American music genre that is ragtime. This year our festival and competition will be at Fort Bend Music Center. We are grateful to Fort Bend Music Center for hosting us.
Festival Section: Students can play a solo rag at any level of difficulty. The genres of blues, jazz and boogie are welcome also. Participants will receive a score sheet with a judge’s comments on their playing, along with a trophy. Memorization is encouraged but not required. Duets at one piano are welcome.
Ragtime Competition: Students up to age 18 play by memory an unsimplified piano rag by a recognized ragtime composer. Stride piano and novelty piano from the 1920s are welcome also, but blues, jazz and boogie are not to be included in the competition. Performers are welcome to add embellishments that are not notated in the sheet music.
Prizes will be awarded to the first three places.
Both the festival and the competition will be in recital format, open for the public to attend and enjoy.
CLICK HERE to complete the online registration form for each student
2024 Ragtime Festival/Competition Registration (google.com)
Registrations and the registration fee of $25 per performer must be received by Monday, October 14, 2024. (Registration may be closed earlier than this registration deadline if the number of participants reaches the maximum that we are able to schedule in a single day.) By registering you agree to accept the opinion of the judge.
Please send a check or money order payable to San Antonio Ragtime Society at the following address:
San Antonio Ragtime Society
ATTN: Mark Camann
PO Box 33008, San Antonio, TX 78265.
Preferred option: Teachers can complete the registration form for each student and then send a single check or money order covering the registration fee for all of their student participants.
Thank you for completing the ONLINE form for each student. Your registration is not complete until you have mailed in your payment!
Robert Edwards’ list of difficulty levels for Scott Joplin rags